Mario's Priorities
Public Safety & Health
I’m committed to strengthening and working on critical issues impacting public safety and health. I will work with our police officers to ensure safe communities for all and this includes: investing resources, increasing incentives to join the police force, and creating effective response strategies across all neighborhoods. The health of our community is of high importance so I will work on prioritizing funding and enacting people-focused policies in healthcare, air quality and water conservation. I will work to ensure the issue of homelessness is addressed and provide resources such as mental health support services and shelters to uplift and support our unhoused community.
Improving Infrastructure
I’m committed to investing in projects that benefit the people of Stockton and the region such as transportation efficiency, quickly fixing potholes, and preparing for future climate-related floods and weather. I will ensure we revisit and invest in updated protocols to help with flood and storm damages. Transportation is vital in how we move around Stockton and I will work with key stakeholders and you to provide transparency in how we map out our routes and response times. Particularly in District 4, I will outline improved road plans to address speeding. Safety is critical with our infrastructure so I will work to reassess our crosswalks and build additional ones with lighted warnings.
Local Economy & Jobs
I’m committed to working with leaders from all working sectors that promote programs and incentives that actually create high paying jobs in District 4 and in Stockton. I will work with the business community and work on providing direct support to our small businesses. This includes being accessible, providing transparency on where funds are going and revitalizing key areas such as the Miracle Mile and Yosemite Street Village. There is great potential in applying for grants and additional funding to expand our spaces, create more parking, and beautify our storefronts and roads. I will work to create updates on job fairs, workshops on resumes, interviews, and work with local partners to establish a pipeline to getting community members hired. There will also be a strategy to lining up plans to bring external funding, grants and partners to boost economy and good-paying jobs
I’m committed to advocating for policies and resources to address homelessness and uplift the unsheltered community. Prioritizing City resources dedicated to wrap around services including temporary or permanent housing, mental health resources, addiction treatment, and job placements. Building on the expansion of resources allocated to nonprofit shelters to get unhoused people off the street.
Housing Affordability
I’m committed to advocating for fair and equitable housing for all Stocktonians! There will be a focus on the protection of affordability for current residents, preserving of existing affordable housing, and production of more housing, particularly homes targeted to the households that struggle most to find and retain affordable housing, including renters and those with the lowest incomes. I’ll work to support rezoning of Miracle Mile to include higher density, mixed-use (commercial and residential) and mixed-income (affordable and market rate) housing development.
I’m committed to ensuring all children have the right and ability to safely study and receive a quality education. As your Councilmember, I’ll be steadfast and focused on collaborating and working in partnership with SUSD to ensure all youth in the District have the necessary tools to succeed. Public safety is critical so working with SUSD and the City to create an effective plan that protects our youth so they can focus on their education.
Arts & Culture
I’m committed to investing in programs and events that youth and families can participate in throughout Stockton. Living in the most diverse city in the country, I will work to ensure there are spaces and activities to build a more vibrant, booming city! Connecting with downtown leaders to work to revitalize downtown and working to invest resources throughout the city. Reinvesting in youth programs, libraries, and community centers to provide ample space for our youth to engage and collaborate.
Transparency, Accountability and Accessibility
I’m committed to being open, transparent and accessible to all constituents and Stocktonians! I will commit to providing monthly meetings and quarterly email communications to give critical updates such as policy decisions and outcomes, budgeting, and specifics on current projects & investments happening in Stockton. Consistent communication is critical to ensure strong relationships and trust is built.